Friday, July 6, 2012

Lauren Conrad lied, and I had bad hair

Exhibit B
Exhibit A
I move away and everyone gets famous back home. My aunt and cousin are in the final casting stages of getting a reality TV show at their beauty shop. The network wants it to be based on Steel Magnolias where the same women come in and gossip every week. I don't want to bust the network's bubble, but don't they know the only women who frequent a beauty shop weekly are getting their hair-pinned. Most stroll in on walkers, sure they have gossip, but I bet it dates back about 30 years. If they want old lady gossip, my new town is thriving with 80 year old women and gossip. I totally think they should get the show, even if it means that my family will look like the Swamp People of hair. Since all Louisiana based TV shows make the state look like backwoods lunatics, this is a huge possibility. I have also considered moving back home to be a hair wash technician so that I can get in on this national TV action. I think they are definitely talented enough to have a TV show. I have had a string of bad luck with hair since about the 6th grade when I decided that my long thick curly hair was too childish. I wanted a more mature look; therefore, I opted for the "Rachel Cut". Exhibit A. However, as I previously stated that my hair is thick and curly/wavy. It ended up looking more like Exhibit B, but 10x worse. I didn't wear it nearly as well as Ms. Lopez. Let's put it this way, if I hadn't burned all of the pictures of this haircut then I would have inserted one of my own. My second string of bad luck was from this friendly little bottle.
I used this bottle the summer of 7th grade with my beautiful blonde friend. I have dark brown hair, and sun-in was definitely not going to make me a brilliant blonde or a light brown-haired girl. Instead what I got was a brassy-coppery-orange color that my mom let made me rock for a least the rest of the summer. Through high school and college I had mediocre because of a liar. Lauren Conrad, in the peek of The Hills, told Glamour a big fat lie. She said that the key her great hair was that she didn't use any products. Therefore, I quit using all hair products because I wanted my hair to look like the following images.

While I could be wrong, she might not use products. Who am I kidding, I am probably right. Let's just put things in perspective; she lives in sunny California where there is essentially no humidity. I live in sunny Louisiana where there is essentially 100% humidity everyday. Therefore, my thick hair totally frizzed out. The back kinked up, and the front remained straight with massive frizz. I sat down for my hair cut, and my blunt cousin said, "We have got to do something with this hair. It's atrocious. I haven't said anything for a while, but you have got to start taking care of your hair" "Umm, thanks?" While, I was getting my organic hair straightener, I was once again reading Glamour, where Ms. Conrad said that the one thing she couldn't live without was her hair extensions. I was outraged. I have had bad hair for 5 years because she claimed she didn't use products, and now she tells me the majority of her long gorgeous locks are fake! Oh, the awful pictures where my hair could have been so much better. I now have fabulous hair because I use an array of products, have had an organic chemical straightener, I use heat daily on my hair by blow drying and straightening, and I have put low lights to add tone to my hair, and I get it thinned by-weekly. I will gladly recommend all products used on my hair because it is now in fantastic shape, and I am not going to pretend that I was born with gorgeous hair. I wasn't; I have naturally thick, wavy, dandraffy hair. 

I also am a huge fan of Rusk W8less blowdryer and straightener because when you have thick hair your elbow gets tired from   hanging out above your head for an extensive amount of time. 

Needless to say famous people lie about everything, and my cousin deserves a reality TV show.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! So funny Lauren!
    But we don't really lie...we just spin things to our advantage ;-)

    Love ya! Keep it up!
    Heather Bloom


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