Tuesday, October 23, 2012

You Oughta Know That Nothing Compares 2 U!

Watch out, I'm having a moment and it smells like teen spirit. I've been waiting for this announcement for twelve long gruesome years. It's official the 90s are back and trending! Joan paid tribute to 1992 on the cusp of Glamour magazine's announcement of the official comeback. I couldn't be happier. Welcome back! My outdated itune's playlist and I have missed you. Note: we are not welcoming back the waif model, grunge attire, or filth. Your hair must be clean at all times!

Wait one moment I just need to slap on my bracelet, pull my hair up in my scrunchie, strap on my neon color block fanny pack, and whip out my discman before I can continue. What? What do you mean you put my neon orange slap bracelet and and all my scrunchies in a garage sale years ago? Even the fanny pack? I thought that was so practical. I swore you said this was a wardrobe staple. Good you still have the discman because you're right, you never know when the ipod will break. Thanks Mom! Also before I can continue I have to make a few apologies. I'm sorry I let you down Six, I tried my hardest to talk as fast as you, but my Southern drawl just wouldn't let me succeed. I'm sorry Andrew Keegan I broke my promise, I married somebody else. But to be fair, you grew a mustache. However, I will still serenade you with my music video to Wannabe. I've been campaigning for approximately 26 years Mary-Kate and Ashley, when are you going to finally let me be the official fan club president?

While I love all things 90s, I inwardly and outwardly cringe every time I look at a photo of my 90s wardrobe. Yes, I owned purple and green plaid overalls, a blue jean sunflower blossom hat, a bolo (I don't know... cowboy attire was never cool), puffy sleeves and shoulder pads were must haves (my bangs needed to be as puffy as my sleeves), and my homemade royal blue, pepto pink, and burnt orange jumper took color blocking to a whole level. Thanks Grandma. My fashion flashback is horrendous, so if we are welcoming back the 90s, we must make some minor but significant adjustments!
Although I'll always think of a pudgy Al from Home Improvement when I see plaid, it's back and we can do it tastefully. Ditch the under shirt and accessorize! MK models a modern flair to 90s plaid. I have a blue and grey plaid shirt that I kept in my closet in case I ever needed to dress up like a cowgirl, and now I can wear it in real life. No, sadly I didn't save my bolo. 

Even though my sunflower denim hat is still consider unacceptable, the fedora isn't and you don't have to be artsy to rock one!

Despite my mom's persistence about denim, it hasn't been cool for about a decade. However, it has finally made a legit comeback. Normally I'd be ashamed to admit that I wore denim on denim, but I did and I looked chic! As long as your denims aren't the same shade, it's a do! Throw in a funky color statement necklace and you'll be trending too!

I'll always be a puffy sleeve and shoulder pad lover. Somehow the puff makes me feel a bit taller. I did, however, ditch the bangs for a forehead, and it has made all the difference!

Even though I feel like a present day Kris Jenner wannabe, I still rock the heck out of a blazer. It's the new cardigan. Color Blocking is back! If only Grandma could sew normal looking outfits.


Lastly, the key to looking chic in the new 90s is a good tailor. We might be bringing back the color palets, but we aren't bringing back oversize clothing. Drop the jncos! If you must sport an oversized sweater put your tightest leggings on. If you don't, you'll look sloppy and fat, and no on wants that! Kristin Davis has a banging body under that oversized plaid coat, and we can't even tell!

Since, my whole house can't be decorated in bright neon colors (my husband's rule ... definitely not mine) then my closet will be! Go neon, not neutral this fall! Welcome Back 90s; you've been missed!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Nervous Breakdown ... Pretty Sure I'm Having One

So I finally broke down and applied to be a substitute teacher. This minor event in my life has essentially caused me to spiral into a nervous breakdown and land into an even further state of depression. I know you think I am going overboard, but I'm not! I associate this event in my life with failure. Substituting was my last resort. I have tried endlessly over the last five months to find a job ... any job:

  • Manager-In-Training at Sam's Club and Walmart
  • Pharmaceutical Sales Rep 
  • Manager at Victoria's Secret 
  • Special Needs Pre-K teacher
  • Doctor's Office Receptionist (multiply offices)
  • Living Social Account Manager 
  • Insurance Sales 
  • Online College Teacher for Education Classes
  • Online Elementary Teacher 
  • Real Life Elementary Teacher 
  • Kellogg's Sales Rep 
  • LakeShore Learning Sales Rep 
  • Pearson Text Book Sales Rep 
  • Bank Loan Agent 
  • Bank Teller 
  • Travel Agent 
  • Merchandiser 
  • Retail 
  • Newspaper Columnist
  • and the list goes on and on and on. I don't even remember half the stuff I have applied for. I job hunt daily, even on Saturdays and Sundays. Dedication. I have even contemplated joining the military because I am pretty sure, I could get a job that way.

All of these attempts have been epic failures. I have been told: I'm not qualified, I'm over qualified, We really can't afford you (I'm cheap ... I'm poor), You'll have to drive an hour to work - are you sure you are still interested? Yes, I'm still interested because I am poor and need a stinking job! Since when are we punished for being over qualified? I have a Master's degree; I'm a quick learner! I can bring myself up to qualification level overnight! I have applied to website after website to help me find a job. I'm beginning to think they are all a sham. I'd love to temp for an employment agency, but sadly there are no employment agencies in my Retirement Community, so that idea is a bust. I frequently have an identity crisis. I don't know my purpose. I don't know why I'm here, except for the fact that I can finally live under the same roof as my husband again. (And for that small fact ... my nervous breakdown is worth it) And before you think I'm just a statistic that your tax dollars are paying for, please note that I went kicking and screaming to that office and was denied of that service, too.

My nervous breakdown is not a result of the fact that I have spent the last five months of my life trying to find a job; it's the fact that I have to pay money to be a substitute teacher. I have already paid the State of Arkansas well over a grand and a half to be a teacher. No problem, I didn't mind paying all the fees. I knew my first paycheck would go to reimbursing myself for my expenditures, no problem. However, I never received my first teaching paycheck because I was never hired to teach. Instead they hired aides for classroom in the place of qualified teachers. Not bitter ... I get it. But now I am being asked to pay for the same background checks that I have already paid for ... I'm already in the system look me up!

The day of my last resort has finally arrived, and I once again went kicking and screaming to the subbing office and all the way through the application process. I had to write three paragraphs on why I want to sub ... Hmmm let's see. Do I want to sub? Absolutely not! Do I enjoy subbing? Absolutely not!  I am a planner, and subbing is a career meant for non-life-planners (we'll call it a career for a lack of a better term). You never know if you are going to work that day, so you get ready - no one calls. You don't get ready - everyone calls. It's stressful. Do you go to the gym in the morning when no one called? If you do, they might call you for a half day and now you are sweaty.

I'm not complaining, I know people are in much worse situations than me. I'll be ok! I just want a job that I don't have to pay money for and preferably one that I can wake up knowing that I am going to work that day.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Moving is an enlightening experience. Some friends keep in touch and some don't. Some rearrange schedules for your impromptu visit. Some proof read a book that will never be published because they love you. Some spend money they don't have to buy jewelry they don't want because they pity their friend who is now selling jewelry since she couldn't find a 'real' job. And Some even clear a space in their business to let her set up a jewelry booth. (Obviously, I'm not talking about myself because selling Stella and Dot jewelry is a REAL job!)

This past weekend, I was in awe of the unselfishness of my friends and family. They constantly rally behind their loved ones because they genuinely want what's best for them. I realized this weekend that many of us, including me, go through life with an 'It's all about me' attitude. I am lucky to have been blessed with people who realize that the world doesn't always revolve around them. On Friday night at approximately 10 pm while sitting on my cousin's couch trying to invent a way to dye hair faster, I decided to insure that I lived the rest of my life without an 'It's all about me' mentality. As we were thinking of inventions that will make us rich, my friend texted me about a blog idea that could make the world a richer place to live in.

(Yes, we are that lame. My other cousin has already pointed out that I obviously have no life since my friend is texting me about blog ideas that will make the world rich, while I'm sitting with them trying to come up with inventions that will make us rich. But in my defense I have to find something to occupy my time in the Retirement Community, and my other cousin didn't get a reality TV show, so she needs to dye hair faster so she can see more clients. We are just trying to make lemonade out of lemons.)

I can't take credit for my next idea because they are many factors that come into play and none of those factors are a direct result of my creativity. My friend suggested that I commit my blog to doing one random act of kindness a day for an entire year. Her idea hit home because my morning radio show, Kidd Kraddick in the Morning, was just talking last week about how the world would be a better place if we were constantly being kind to one another. Kidd challenged the listeners to do one random act of kindness that day. Then on Sunday, I was sitting in church and the guest speaker made a comment that made me stop and think, "This election will not fix the country. Our country has a heart problem, not a government problem. When we fix our heart problem, our government problem will follow." I'm not getting into the nitty gritty about politics, but the bases of his statement spoke truth. We all have heart issues because we live in a culture that has the 'It's all about me' mentality.

Will I be able to actually do one random act of kindness a day for a year? Who knows because I don't leave my house except to go to the gym. (Leaving the house = spending money, and when you are poor you can't spend money, so that means you can't leave your house.) However, I am committed to trying, and I invite you to go through this journey with me!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hello, I'm a TV Junky

Obviously unemployment as left me with an enormous amount of free time on my hands, and lucky for you I have dedicated my free time to you and your TV needs. I watched it, so you don't have too. I have weeded through my DVR and compiled a review. Your TV Review Compilation awaits.

Several things to note:
  • Reality TV not included. However, Giuliana and Bill will once again cause me to tear up every Tuesday night as I watch their journey to parenthood unfold before my eyes. 
  • I did try to watch every new show if it looked interesting. Sorry if we don't share the same interest. Actually I'm not sorry.
  • There are too many singing/dancing shows, CSI shows, and Law and Order shows for me to care about. However, I love that a guy from Shreveport will be on the X Factor so I might have to break my rule and watch.
  • NBC still hasn't challenged me with TV brilliance to leave my other networks. Sorry NBC I haven't watched you since you had Must See TV.
  • I'll admit the ABC network pisses me off every year because they cancel TV gems just as I am getting invested in story lines. I have a laundry list of shows that were canceled prematurely: Pan Am, Eli Stone, GCB, Flash Forward, Cougar Town, Samantha Who? ... I'll stop now. I voweled to never watch ABC again because they keep dumb shows like that red ball show, and yet they hooked me again this year. 

Once Upon a Time -  ABCThe magic is back! I am excited to see where the new season takes us. My interest is sparked with the mystery man at the beginning of the episode. Actually I lied, I thought he was the Mad Hatter. I'll admit the season premiere was a little slow, but I know that things will heat up as the season progresses.

Revenge -  ABC - Perhaps one of my favorite new TV shows last year, and it started back with a bang! I predicted that Victoria was alive so it wasn't a shock when they revealed that little jewel. I know this season will be just as scandalous and riveting as the last. Call me unAmerican I am a little upset that the Presidential debate will cause me to miss the second episode of the season. Couldn't they have debated before the Fall line up started back? ... Half way through my review, I realized that today is Wednesday and Revenge moved to Sunday ... YAY! I'm still American!

666 Park Avenue -  ABC - Too scary for me to watch before bedtime. Plus I already read that after one episode ABC is considering canceling. Therefore, I will no longer watch because they will inevitably cancel it. However, I had a mad crush Dave Annable during his Brothers and Sisters stint.

Mentalist -  CBS - I would have thought this show would have lost steam by now, since they keep stringing us along with this Red John character, but it hasn't. I'm still tuning in, and deeply involved.

Monday - a slow TV night
Mob Doctor -  FOX - I'm a mob lover so of course I love this show. My husband, the nurse, thinks the show is too unrealistic because she is always leaving the hospital to do mob stuff. He's right, but who cares about hospital reality and logistics when you are watching TV.

Partners -  CBS - Funny.  I love the lead girl because she has a raspy voice like me, but this story line has been done before. It reminds me a little of Mad Love, and quiet frankly I liked that canceled show better.

Gossip Girl -  CW - Call me 16, but I am still watching and patiently waiting for her return.

Tuesday - a rival with Sunday for best TV night
Ben and Kate -  FOX - Couldn't even finish the first episode.

New Girl -  FOX - Still hilarious! I just want to be best friends with Schmidt.

Go On -  NBC - Funny, but the SNL skit mocking Ryan Lotche and this show was almost funnier than the actual show. Though, I do always root for Matthew Perry because he went to rehab and I just don't want him to have another failed TV show, which might cause him to spiral out of control and end up in rehab again.

The Mindy Project -  FOX -  Voted Best New TV Comedy by me! I laugh just as much as I do during New Girl.

Vegas -  CBS - I'm a mob girl and I love Vegas, so I like it. It makes me wish I lived in Vegas during the Rat Pack era. Plus I have a long standing crush on Mr. Quaid. If I have a crush on you, I'll watch your TV show.

Wednesday - lost it's title as funniest night on TV to Tuesday.
The Middle -  ABC - Funny, but dumb. I am bitter about this show, and I honestly never understood how this remained in a prime slot in the Fall lineup when Happy Endings and Cougar Town were mid season replacements for the network. I'm not biased because my husband's tweet was in a national campaign for Happy Endings. I guess someone is watching it because it hasn't been canceled.

Neighbors -  ABC - It's about Aliens so it will also inevitably be canceled by ABC. See the network screws themselves because we have caught on to their reputation.

Guys With Kids -  NBC - I wanted to watch this show, but NBC started back way before everyone else, I missed the beginning of this series. I'll have to catch up online. PS I know their premiss probably came from the dad scenes in What to Expect When You are Expecting.

Modern Family -  ABC - Many suggested that they had lost their steam last season and that adding a baby is a last ditch effort to save a sinking TV show, but they are still funny and quirky and I wouldn't classify Modern Family as a sinking show. I still laugh out loud, and NBC is trying to copy it with their new show The New Normal. I would also like to point out that until recently I thought it was a last stitch effort ... it's ditched which makes zero sense to me.

Super Natural -  CW - The show that I could care less about, but have seen every episode because it is my husband's favorite. At least the graphic effects are better than they were in season 1.

Up All Night - NBC - I love that Ava lost her job. Lots of humor is to come.

Elementary - CBS - I love the twist on Sherlock Holmes; however, his character reminds me of a mix of House and the Mentalist. Very clever and fast paced, and if I am not listening I will have to rewind to catch what he said. The twist of a female Watson leaves me wondering if there will be a love connection.

Vampire Diaries - CW - Still patiently waiting for their return! Next Thursday! And yes, every Monday and Thursday night I am a 16 year old again.

Friday = Fashion Police on E!  Can't resist my Pop of Culture!
Saturday - I'm not a total loser!

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